$9000 A Month From A Board Game?

$9000 A Month From A Board Game?

As someone who writes about the Internet marketing industry, who presents articles to help people make money online here at this blog and runs a membership site to teach people to blog for profit, it’s pretty clear I make a living by helping others make a living online too.
That, for obvious reasons, tends to bother some people and I’m questioned whether you can indeed make money from the Internet if you don’t sell people products on how to make money. It does seem rather incestuous in some way doesn’t it.

Well some of you will be surprised to know that yes, you can in fact build an Internet business that is not focused on Internet marketing or anything related to making money and be very successful and in fact I expect significantly more people make a living online selling stuff in niches that have nothing to do with money, marketing, or business…
And here’s some interesting proof of just that -

A Board Game About Herbs?

If you ever had doubts about the potential to succeed online by finding a niche and creating a business around it, then Jeff Walker has a video you have to watch.
Jeff is the guy behind Product Launch Formula, a course I purchased over a year ago that is no longer available. Jeff’s tactics are great and in my opinion, mandatory study for any person who intends to sell something online.

Jeff’s about to release a new version of his program, titled Product Launch Formula 2.0, and in anticipation of the release, he’s put out this awesome video from one his clients who used the launch formula in a very obscure niche - herbs - and one of the products he sells is a board game.
I don’t know about you, but a board game based on herbs is not something I would ever expect could be the basis of a six figure business.
Watch The Video

Jeff explains how our herb entrepreneur pulled off this amazing feat and breaks down the exact process he went through to launch his board game in a free video you can watch here -

Note - you only get the first half of the video if you don’t opt-in. I suggest you opt-in first, then watch the full version of the video that you can access after signing up (it’s free). If you don’t you will have to wait for it to load twice and skip the first half after you opt-in, which is a pain - it’s a big video!

Lessons From The Video
There’s some great content in the video and I recommend you take 45 minutes from you day today to watch it from start to finish.

Here’s just some of the notes I took while watching it -
Conducting teleseminars with experts as part of your launch process is a VERY powerful technique, especially in non-Internet marketing niches. Experts you interview will help build your list because they want to promote their interview and thus will send traffic to it, this in turn helps you sell more product.
Using a limited bonus package for the first X buyers creates scarcity, which ramps up sales big time.

Having a list of buyers is 10 or 20 times more valuable than having a list of prospects. This is the core reason people can run very successful businesses with tiny email lists - because they have a list with people who actually are interested enough in what you offer to spend money, they are not just freebie seekers.

Create a sense of community before the release of your product. One of the suggested methods for doing this is through blog comments and there’s some awesome examples of how John (the herb guy) did this in his launch in the video.

The core strategy presented in the video is what Jeff calls the Horizontal Helix, which sounds scientific to me, but it’s not. Put simply, it’s about using each launch as a springboard for bigger launches in the future. What’s cool about this case study, is that John was able to automate this process using email autoresponders so you don’t have to do a massive launch (and invest all that time and energy) each time.

I’ve only touched on a few of the ideas from the video, so as you can tell this is one value packed resource. It’s worth watching regardless of whether you intend to join Jeff’s program or not. Here’s that link again -

The Horizontal Helix case study video
Remember - opt-in first to get the full version so you don’t have wait for it to load twice. You can unsubscribe after opting in if the emails bug you, but I expect they won’t. Jeff’s one of the few Internet marketers I remain subscribed to because he doesn’t abuse his list. Plus I like the guy, he’s pretty down to earth, yet smart.

Yaro StarakHorizontal Helixing
